What is Happiness?

I have read this from the blog of Paulo Coelho and I would like to share it even though it makes me think of...well, I'm not sure yet. Most of us are reading inspirational books, quotes, etc., to inspire our daily lives and to become some body and bring out the very best of our selves. Meanwhile, I realized...In everything we do, happiness is a personal feeling that you cannot measure. I might agree, there is no right and wrong answers to that question. What is happiness? by: Paulo Coelho This is a question that has not bothered me for a long time, precisely because I don’t know how to answer it. Some people seem to be happy: they just do not think about it. Others make plans: “I’m going to have a husband, a home, two children, and a house in the country”. While this keeps them occupied, they are like bulls looking for the bullfighter: they don’t think, they just keep moving forward. They manage to get their car – sometimes even a Ferrari – and they think that...